The United Nations of Earth or UNE for short, is a federal democracy centered around the planet Earth in the Sol system. The UNE is made up of several Human nations, unified under the United Nations Security Council.
For most of their history, human civilizations were militaristic, and often centered around cultural groups. Political entities would wage war for power over their regions, often at the expense of Human lives and well-being. More often than not, politics of these political entities centered around authoritarian rulers and monarchs.
With the development and proliferation of technologies allowing for faster travel over large distances, Human nations in the European region rapdily expanded their influence over other parts of Earth. This new age of colonial expansion led to a massive number of Human deaths around the world, as these rising nations focused more on their own wealth and power than the lives of other Human groups.
While the expansion of these nations would lead to undue suffering for many, it would lead to the burgeoning of global trade on Earth. This interconnectedness, and the rise of concepts of political freedom and proto-capitalism, would lead to an age of increasing peace and mutual understanding between the varying Human nations and peoplegroups. However, it was also during this same time that some of Humanity's worst acts of violence and injustice happened.
During the 1900's CE, nations across Earth fought wars on a global scale, with immense suffering world-wide. These large conflicts would abruptly end after the invention of atomic weapons, due to the concept of mutually assured destruction. However, the two major political entities would continue to fight eachothers' influence through proxy wars and espionage. It was during this time that the United Nations was established in an attempt to resolve differences diplomatically.
Originally, the United Nations was an international organization, in which member states were able to discuss grievances and vote for international legislation. The United Nations was headed by the United Nations Security Council, which was a group of 11 nations who had the power to veto legislation, and generally head the United Nations as a whole. The UNSC was made up of 5 permanent member states, and 6 non-permanent member states. Each of the 5 permanent seats were given to the most influential nations of the time; the United States of America, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Fourth Republic of France, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and the Republic of China, while the 6 non-permanent members are rotated between various countries to represent their region.
The modern United Nations was established in 2150 CE, with the Global Federal Union Act. The GFUA outlined a fundamental shift in the structure and nature of the United Nations, with all member states ceding significant sovereignty to the United Nations Legislative Assembly. The United Nations functions as a federal representative republic, with citizens voting for representatives of their states that themselves are represented in the United Nations. Despite each member state being part of the United Nations, they all have their own constitutions and laws.
The United Nations Security Council heads the government of the United Nations, presiding over the United Nations Legislative Assembly, and keeping their veto powers. The 11 seats have since increased to 16, 6 permanent and 10 non-permanent. The 6 permanent seats include the United States of North America, the Republic of England, the Sixth French Republic, the Republic of Russia, the Republic of China, and the Republic of India. As of 2200, the 10 non-permanent members are the United States of Brazil, the United Mexican States, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Ukraine, the Federal Republic of Nigeria, the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, the Republic of South Africa, the Arabian Republic, the Commonwealth of Australia, and Japan.
Due to the history of the United Nations of Earth, the UNE seeks diplomacy with nearly any other galactic power. They of course, prefer to deal with other democratic nations and factions, but deals with more authoritarian powers are not uncommon.
See Also
Currently none.