The United States of Earth or USE for short, is a federal democracy centered around the planet Earth in the Sol system. The United States is made up of several States, each with their own laws and governments. Despite the illusion of democracy, the real power lies with the wealthy elite and military.
For most of their history, human civilizations were militaristic, and often centered around cultural groups. Political entities would wage war for power over their regions, often at the expense of Human lives and well-being. More often than not, politics of these political entities centered around authoritarian rulers and monarchs.
With the development and proliferation of technologies allowing for faster travel over large distances, Human nations in the European region rapdily expanded their influence over other parts of Earth. This new age of colonial expansion led to a massive number of Human deaths around the world, as these rising nations focused more on their own wealth and power than the lives of other Human groups.
While the expansion of these nations would lead to undue suffering for many, it would lead to the burgeoning of global trade on Earth. This interconnectedness, and the rise of concepts of political freedom and proto-capitalism, would lead to an age of increasing peace and mutual understanding between the varying Human nations and peoplegroups. However, it was also during this same time that some of Humanity's worst acts of violence and injustice happened.
During the 1900's CE, nations across Earth fought wars on a global scale, with immense suffering world-wide. These large conflicts would abruptly end after the invention of atomic weapons, due to the concept of mutually assured destruction. However, the two major political entities would continue to fight eachothers' influence through proxy wars and espionage.
This "Cold War", between the nations of the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist States, spanned decades. The capitalistic United States would slowly outgrow the communist USSR, developing into the world's sole superpower.
Using its immense influence, the United States' military alliance, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, grew to span much of the globe. Former enemies entered the fold, and the USA's influence continued to expand. During the 2100's, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization became an economic union. By the end of the century, the vast majority of the globe was directly or indirectly subject to the United States, by diplomatic and economic influence, or by force.
The Unites States of Earth will often attempt to gain influence with a mixture of military actions and diplomacy. They will typically prefer to influence weaker powers than to make equal treaties.
See Also
Currently none.